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Exploring the tax benefits of Investing in UK REITs

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) has become an increasingly popular option for individuals seeking exposure to the real estate market. In the United Kingdom, REITs offer not only the potential for attractive returns but also various tax benefits. This article aims to shed light on the tax advantages associated with investing in UK REITs and how they can enhance your investment strategy.


Exemption from Corporation Tax

One of the most significant tax advantages of investing in UK REITs is their exemption from corporation tax on their property rental income and capital gains. This unique tax treatment allows REITs to distribute a substantial portion of their rental profits to shareholders as dividends. Consequently, investors in REITs benefit from higher income potential compared to traditional property rental investments, where rental income is typically subject to tax at the individual’s marginal income tax rate, as explained by TAKS Limited Account.

Dividend Tax Treatment

Investors in UK REITs also enjoy favorable dividend tax treatment. REIT dividends are generally considered Property Income Distributions (PIDs), which are subject to withholding tax at the basic rate (currently 20%). However, this tax is withheld at source, meaning that individual investors do not need to account for it in their tax returns. For basic rate taxpayers, this results in a tax-neutral position.

Moreover, higher and additional rate taxpayers can claim back the difference between the basic rate and their marginal tax rate, effectively reducing their overall tax liability. This favorable tax treatment enhances the after-tax returns for investors in UK REITs, making them an attractive option for income-focused investors.

Capital Gains Tax Advantages

Investing in UK REITs can provide advantages in terms of capital gains tax (CGT) liability. When you sell your shares in a REIT, any capital gain realized is generally treated as a chargeable gain for CGT purposes. However, certain reliefs and exemptions apply, which can significantly reduce the tax burden, including the Tax Benefits of Investing in REITs. The most notable relief is the availability of the ‘REIT Exemption.

Under the REIT Exemption, individual investors are generally exempt from CGT on gains arising from the disposal of shares in a UK REIT. This exemption is subject to specific conditions, including a minimum holding period and limitations on the size of the individual’s shareholding. By benefiting from the CGT exemption, investors in UK REITs can potentially enjoy tax-free capital appreciation on their investments.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Investing in UK REITs can also offer advantages in estate planning, particularly in relation to inheritance tax (IHT). Shares in UK REITs are generally treated as qualifying investments for IHT purposes. This means that if you hold shares in a UK REIT for at least two years, they will generally qualify for IHT business property relief.

IHT business property relief provides significant potential tax savings by reducing or eliminating the IHT liability on your estate. This benefit can be particularly valuable for individuals looking to pass on their wealth to future generations while minimizing the impact of inheritance taxes and exploring the Tax Benefits of Investing in qualifying business assets.


Investing in UK REITs presents a compelling opportunity for individuals seeking exposure to the real estate sector while enjoying favorable tax benefits. The exemption from corporation tax on rental income and capital gains, favorable dividend tax treatment, CGT advantages, and potential inheritance tax planning benefits make UK REITs an attractive investment option.

  1. As with any investment, it is crucial to conduct thorough research, consider your individual circumstances, and consult with a financial advisor or tax professional to fully understand the tax implications and make informed investment decisions.

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